We’ve almost had two wonderful years since we’ve started the film festival circuit. It was a wonderful journey full of amazing screenings, meaningful discussions and just terrific audiences. We’ve met so many exceptional people and heard their stories and family history. We loved all of it!
We are grateful for all the experiences we got to share through Burren Girl. Our adventure continues, but in a slightly different way! We are pleased to announce that our documentary, thanks to our wonderful distributor Cow Lamp Films, will be streaming on a variety of platforms. You can now rent or buy Burren Girl on Amazon Prime Video and also watch it on Tubi. More streaming announcements coming soon!
If you wish to instead own a Burren Girl DVD or gift it to someone. You have that option too! But maybe you want to organise a private screening of Burren Girl accompanied by a discussion with the director? Get in touch! We’d love to hear from you!
Burren Girl poster - Tubi